Conor Benn Involved In Doping Scandal
On 11-May-24

Conor Benn Involved In Doping Scandal

Conor Benn is still plagued by problems trying to be cleared to fight in the UK following his two positive drug tests in 2022 for the banned drug clomifene. 

  An undesirable development for the 27-year-old Benn (23-0, 14 KOs) involves the UK Anti-Doping [UKAD] agency once again provisionally suspending him after they won their appeal against the NADP’s decision to lift his suspension. 

  A big blow to Benn and his team as the flamboyant and cocky boxer won’t be able to fight in the UK, which is where his core fan base is located. Benn is left in a situation where he’ll need to continue fighting in the U.S, likely in front of small crowds. Benn hasn’t been able to win over the American fans like he did with the UK fans, as U.S fans aren’t really carried away by him being the son of British legend Nigel Benn.

 The average American boxing fan have never heard of Nigel Benn, so they’re not interested in Conor Benn’s career the way the UK fans are. But here’s the thing: Even if Nigel was from the U.S, American fans still wouldn’t be as amped up to watch Conor Benn fight as they do in the UK. It’s a different country. In the U.S, you actually got to prove yourself and you can’t depend on a famous dad to gain a following like in the UK. For example, Muhammad Ali’s grandson Nico Ali Walsh doesn’t have a huge following in the U.S. despite being connected with the great. UKAD will continue their investigation of Benn before they eventually have a hearing on his case. The good news for Benn is that he can stay busy fighting in the U.S until he’s eventually free and allowed to fight in the UK. From his previous outings, Benn needs massive improvement if he wants to stay relevant anywhere, especially in the States. 


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