Ryan Garcia Tests Positive For Banned Substance
On 02-May-24

Ryan Garcia Tests Positive For Banned Substance

Results from tests taken before and after his fight against Devin Haney has revealed Ryan Garcia as failing two doping tests per a Voluntary Anti-Doping Association letter.

 The substance is Ostarine and Garcia has 10 days to request his B-sample be tested. 

In a statement,  the WBC acknowledged receipt of notification, "The WBC has received notification from @Vada Testing about Ryan Garcia's adverse findings on tests taken with connection to his fight against Haney. The due process begins immediately as per the WBC Clean Boxing Program Protocol".

The PED Ostarine has been used by boxers in the past: in 2016 Lucian Bute was sanctioned for using it in his bout against Badou Jack.

British boxer Amir Khan was also found guilty of using Ostarine when he fought rival Kell Brook in 2022.

Reacting to the development,  Haney said in a post, " We learned about this situation not long ago. And it's unfortunate Ryan Garcia cheated and disrespected both the fans and the sport of boxing by fighting dirty and breaking positive not once but twice. We put our lives on the line to entertain people for a living. You don't play boxing," the former Undisputed Lightweight Champion asserted.

The New York State Athletic Commission reiterated its affirmation of Safety, Fairness, and Integrity in professional athletic competitions and hinted that the commission is in liaison with VADA in reviewing the matter.

Garcia, in a video, rubbished the claims and the findings,  stating that he hadn't resorted to any banned substance and has never used them in his career.  He sounded quite nonchalant and assured he would be vindicated.

The findings, if confirmed,  would cast a slur on Garcia's upset win and result in a possible ban.



Samuel Opoku Amoah is a writer and boxing analyst for AceTVBoxing.com. He can be reached via email: samgolden715@gmail.com.


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